Frequently, the collection of the ticketing system is under the exclusive responsibility and management of the concessionaires and public companies that operate the collective public transport of passengers, in a segregated way, as it is an accessory service to the public service provided by these operators.
With the model created for ABASP, all revenue from the electronic ticketing system of its members is under the responsibility of ABASP. This means that all amounts resulting from the sale of QrCode single tickets and TOP Card recharge credits are directed to the bank accounts ofexclusive management of ABASP,that is, the collection of all its members becomes centralized in the association.
Through a financial flow formed by escrow accounts (calledEscrow Account -widely used in M&A operations due to the security given by the custodian banking institution to the parties involved), funds are received and payments are made to members according to the number of passengers transported and the public tariff defined by their respective Granting Authority.
The entire collection procedure is regulated through a Clearing Operational Regulation, approved by the entity's Board of Directors.
Os funds collected and passed on to its members, as well as other expenses and costs arising from the maintenance and operation of the SBE-Abasp,are monitored daily by their associatesthrough access to reporting systems that allow simultaneous access to data, as well as inspected by the statutory bodies of ABASP and analyzed annually by an independent auditchosen from the top ten auditors in the world.
In spite of not transiting through their accounts any resources of public origin, but resources from the tariffs of SBE Abasp users,all ticketing and collection information and data are provided to the respective control and inspection bodies, guaranteeing the Granting Authority all the security and transparency of the model.
currently theABASP centralizes the collection of the entire metropolitan transport system (rails and tires), under the responsibility of the Government of the State of São Paulo through the Secretariat of State for Metropolitan Transport and EMTU, as well as thetransport systems in the Municipalities of Arujá, Cotia, Rio Grande da Serra and Taboão da Serra.
The centralized collection, in addition to allowing greater security and transparency for members, also allows the integration of information and data for a better understanding and planning of public policies aimed at collective public transport of passengers.