With the creation of ABASP in 2019, a work plan focused on thedevelopment of a unified and secure ticketing and collection system.
The proposal would be to replace the single magnetic ticket used in Subway and CPTM stations for decades and the creation of the concept of a single transport card, aiming at digitizing payments (a reality already at the time abroad and in some Brazilian cities), diversifying means of payment (in addition to cash, expansion to purchase via debit or credit card) andmultiple sales channels (physical and digital) for purchasing tickets and card top-ups, in addition to centralizing collection through a reliable, efficient and transparent financial flow.
After completing the work plan and meeting the technical, operational and document requirements set forth in the Purchasing and Contracting Regulation, in April 2020, a service provision contract was signed with Autopass SA for the development and operation of the electronic ticketing system for ABASP, maintaining themanagement of the electronic ticketing system and all collection as an exclusive activity of ABASPin accordance with its statutory provisions.
With this contract, were developedinnovative and technological solutions,such as: the development ofa new card with more advanced security levels, greater diversification of means of paymentin credit purchases,QRCode technology for single ticketsand development of a smartphone application for purchases, balance queries and the issuance of QrCode single tickets and recharge of credits for the transport card.
The pilot operation of QRCode tickets at ABASP started in November 2020 and was gradually implemented during 2021, starting to fully replace the magnetic ticket in June 2021. In November of the same year, theTOP card, gradually replacing the BOM card, whose sales ended in early April 2022.
Currently, the ABASP Electronic Ticketing and Collection System, has been expanding and adding other collective passenger transport systems, making life easier for transport users, allowing a gradual reduction of costs for its members - great economies of scale and gradual amortization of investments - , as well as offering a consolidated base of public transport information and data to the Government, which allows for better planning and efficiency in the implementation of public policies for urban mobility.
Due to thePioneering of the ABASP model in Brazil, innovating in the integration of different public transport systems in different federal entities (State and Municipalities), which until then seemed inconceivable, combined with its still young training, the model continues to be analyzed by the different State inspection bodies, some of which have already been completed with results that reinforce its validity, which would not be different given its solidity, consistency and compliance with current laws, the result of extensive studies and analyzes that preceded its creation.